Evil Eye Color Meaning

What Do the Different Evil Eye Colors Mean?

While it is believed that the color blue is historically associated with the Evil Eye due to the glass-making techniques in ancient Egypt.

Over time different Evil Eye colors have come to symbolize different meanings and purposes for the traditional Evil Eye talisman.

These include:

* Red - Courage and Passion
* Blue - Peace and Calm
* Turquoise - Perspective & Insight
* Black - Power and Influence
* Pink - Affection and Relationships
* Green - Prosperity and Success
* Purple - Balance and Imagination
* White - Positivity and Focus
* Yellow - Health and Happiness
* Orange - Creativity and Drive
* Brown - Harmony with Nature
* Grey - Protection from Sorrows
* Transparent - Clarity & Mindfulness
* Rainbow - All Evil Eye Color Benefits

Red Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Red Evil Eye Mean?

A Red Evil Eye helps protect us from our fears and phobias, also helping us overcome stress and anxiety.

It helps us channel our courage from deep inside to face any threat. Be it real, imagined, physical, emotional, or psychological.

A Red Evil Eye also helps take away the feeling of dread and uneasiness, replacing it with grit, resolve, and enthusiasm.

It helps us take on life’s challenges with confidence, vigor, and passion.

Learn more about Red Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Red Evil Eye if:

  1. You experience nervousness, restlessness, or tension on a regular basis.
  2. Your thoughts are often anxious and fearful, leading to confusion and exhaustion.
  3. You may have a feeling of impending danger, panic, or doom and may be fearful of certain situations, such as flying, heights, driving, closed spaces, or social interactions. You may also have a fear of animals or feel a sense of failure, death, disease, abandonment, judgment, or rejection.

Blue Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Blue Evil Eye Mean?

A Blue Evil Eye is the traditional and original Evil Eye color.

In addition to helping us stay protected from the jealous, malicious, or envious gaze of others. It is said to also be best suited for the protection of our fate in this life, as well as the protection of our karma in the lives to come.

The color blue is known for its tranquil, serene, and calming nature. It helps our minds to stay calm, composed, and relaxed.

This peaceful state of being is also helps open the chakras and make the flow of ideas and communication between us and others easier and more fulfilling.

Learn more about Blue Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Blue Evil Eye if:

  1. You believe that you are often impacted by the evil eye of others or feel that you may accidentally cast an evil eye on yourself.
  2. You want to gain a better understanding of yourself and better express your thoughts and feelings.
  3. You are interested in accumulating knowledge, decreasing ignorance, and making more conscious choices in life, and you want to strengthen your relationships with loved ones.

Turquoise Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Turquoise Evil Eye Mean?

A Turquoise or Light Blue Evil Eye helps keep us protected from the malefic Evil Eye. It helps deflect others' jealousy, malice, or envy away from our well-being, thereby bringing us good luck.

It also helps widen the wearer's perspective. Helping us look beyond how we see things as they are now, to what they can be. Helping us reduce ignorance, enrich our lives, and see the bigger picture.

The Turquoise Evil Eye also helps bring peace and solitude to the wearer, thereby lowering stress as well as increasing happiness and satisfaction in life.

Learn more about Turquoise Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Turquoise Evil Eye if:

  1. You may have a narrow perspective or difficulty seeing different sides of a story.
  2. You may struggle to judge the relative importance of people and events, leading to impulsive or inconsiderate behavior.
  3. Others may have accused you of being rude, self-centered, or indifferent, and you may feel the need to disconnect and spend time alone, leading to feelings of apathy or unresponsiveness towards those around you.

Black Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Black Evil Eye Mean?

A Black Evil Eye gives us power and protection. It helps the Universe conspire towards anything we set your mind towards.

It amplifies the wearer's ability, capability, potential, and competency to influence the behavior of others and the course of events around them.

The Black Evil Eye helps fill the wearer with confidence and self-assurance. So they begin to act like a magnet for those around them.

Learn more about Black Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Black Evil Eye if:

  1. You want to have more influence over others or feel that you lack strength and resilience in achieving your goals.
  2. You may seek frequent external validation or be consumed with envy.
  3. You may embrace a victim mentality, blame others for your problems, indulge in self-pity, or find it difficult to forgive and move on. You may also be afraid of confrontation when it is necessary, struggle to say no, or frequently sacrifice your own interests for those of your family or friends.

Pink Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Pink Evil Eye Mean?

A Pink Evil Eye helps protect our friendships, relationships, love, and romance.

It helps protect and strengthen our physical, emotional, and spiritual bonds with others as we go through life.

It helps bring compassion, empathy, intuition, affection, kindness, and playfulness into our lives.

A Pink Evil Eye also helps nurture feelings of calm, comfort, and tranquility inside us.

It helps us relax and brings us greater satisfaction in day-to-day life.

Learn more about Pink Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Pink Evil Eye if:

  1. You may be shy, a loner, or have social anxiety, leading to feelings of social isolation and avoidance of social interactions.
  2. You may struggle to trust others and have suspicions about their intentions.
  3. You may find it difficult to create or maintain personal relationships, fear intimacy, or have had chaotic love relationships in the past. You may also have low self-esteem, feel insecure, fear rejection, and seek attention from others. You may be stuck in a romantic grief cycle, feeling lonely and depressed, and may turn to addiction or substance abuse as a coping mechanism. Additionally, you may have moved around frequently and lack roots in any one place, but still desire strong connections with others.

Green Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Green Evil Eye Mean?

A Green Evil Eye helps us bring our dreams to fulfilment.

Helping us manifest all that we wish for, and making life into a celebration of joy, bliss, pleasure, and delight.

A Green Evil Eye also helps us adopt a positive mindset and brings good health into our lives.

Keeping us free from physical and mental disease, full of ardor, vitality, and fertility.

Learn more about Green Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Green Evil Eye if:

  1. You have big dreams that you want to see come to fruition.
  2. You want to live a joyful and fulfilling life.
  3. You want to be physically and mentally healthy and strive to be the best version of yourself.
  4. You may also desire to have a large family.

Purple Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Purple Evil Eye Mean?

A Purple Evil Eye helps rebalance the different spheres and energies in our life.

It helps restore the correct balance between the multiple domains of health, family, spirituality, learning, relationships, sexuality, recreation, creative expression, emotional well-being, career, finances, friendship, home, and service to others.

A Purple Evil eye also helps serve as a way to boost and stimulate our imagination.

This helps us imagine new solutions to old problems and eliminate potential obstacles in life.

Learn more about Purple Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Purple Evil Eye if:

  1. You may feel that you need more balance in your life or that your life is becoming unbalanced.
  2. You may be taking on too much work or responsibility, leading to feelings of burnout.
  3. You may be lacking balance between your work and personal life, as well as feeling that your personal and emotional fulfillment and physical and personal well-being are not being adequately addressed. You may also be over-investing in one aspect of your life at the expense of others, such as your physical well-being at the cost of your social or spiritual well-being.

White Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a White Evil Eye Mean?

A White Evil Eye helps bring purity to our thoughts and actions.

It symbolizes the goodness in our souls. Helping us overcome negative thoughts, emotions, and clutter in our minds. So we can focus all our energies on our goals and remove any obstacles that life throws our way.

Owing to this a White Evil Eye is also associated with wealth. A White Evil Eye is also symbolic of starting afresh or a fresh beginning.

It helps us in rejuvenating and regenerating our energies. So we can take another shot at life in a new and different way.

Learn more about White Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a White Evil Eye if:

  1. You may struggle with negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself and feel less optimistic about the future.
  2. You may experience depression, anxiety, chronic worrying, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  3. You may feel overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, loneliness, depression, resentment, failure, sadness, or jealousy. You may also have difficulty focusing and thinking clearly due to excessive thoughts, and may feel that life is presenting you with obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goals.
  4. You may desire a fresh start in the form of a new job, relationship, location, or other new beginning.

Yellow Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Yellow Evil Eye Mean?

A Yellow or Gold Evil Eye is known to help protect our overall health, including complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

It helps bring happiness, laughter, warmth, hope, and sunshine into our lives.

A Yellow Evil Eye is also known to help provide relief from the stress, worries, and anxieties of modern-day life.

It is known to help us tune out distractions and sharpen our mental concentration, attentiveness, and alertness.

Learn more about Yellow Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Yellow Evil Eye if:

  1. You may experience physical aches and pains, particularly in your shoulder, neck, or back.
  2. You may feel exhausted but have difficulty sleeping, and may also grind your teeth or clench your jaw.
  3. You may feel that your heart is racing, have high blood pressure, or experience regular headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, or digestive problems. You may also feel confused, foggy, or forgetful, which may hinder your ability to think clearly and make decisions.

Orange Evil Eye Meaning

What Does an Orange Evil Eye Mean?

An Orange Evil Eye helps ignite a creative spark within us. It helps bring youthfulness, energy, and happiness into our lives.

It helps open our minds and allows us to solve old problems with new solutions, methods, or approaches.

It ignites the very spark that makes us human. That makes us innovate. That makes us progress.

An orange Evil Eye also helps increase our motivation for commitment. It helps keep us focused on our goals even if our motivation dips in the short term. It helps keep the desire for our long-term goals burning inside us.

Learn more about Orange Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear an Orange Evil Eye if:

  1. You may be struggling to come up with ideas for moving your life, work, or goals forward.
  2. Perfectionism, fear of change, or excessive rationalization may be hindering your creativity.
  3. Lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, or fear of rejection may also be blocking your creative thinking.
  4. You may find life to be unimaginative, dull, and ordinary, or find your work to be uninteresting, repetitive, and boring. You may also be experiencing a creative or writer's block, or have difficulty staying committed to new goals and completing tasks.

Brown Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Brown Evil Eye Mean?

A Brown Evil Eye helps strengthen our affinity with mother nature and the natural world around us.

It helps protect us from the basic elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space.

It also helps us better understand these elements and the laws of nature to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom, and happiness.

A Brown Evil Eye also helps keep us grounded, stabilizing our physiology at the deepest levels. Helping us stay in harmony and accord with the order of the natural world around us.

Grey Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Grey Evil Eye Mean?

A Grey Evil Eye helps protect us from sadness, unhappiness, rejection, dejection, depression, misery, and sorrows.

It helps bring neutrality into our lives, helping us stay calm, relaxed, and stable.

A Grey Evil Eye also helps open doors to new situations and opportunities that the universe has in store for us.

It is also used to reduce the intensity of other Evil Eye colors.

Transparent Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Transparent Evil Eye Mean?

A Transparent Evil Eye helps bring more mindfulness and clarity into our lives.

It helps us be more conscious and aware of all things around us. So we can see and experience life as it is and not colored with bias and prejudice.

A Transparent Evil Eye also helps us make the most of every moment. It helps us see life with lucidity, helping us think and rationalize in a reasonable and sound manner.

Learn more about Transparent Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Transparent Evil Eye if:

  1. You may have difficulty focusing or feel constantly distracted, making it hard to find time for new experiences.
  2. You may have trouble quieting your mind, resulting in racing thoughts or difficulty sleeping.
  3. You may struggle with memory and find it hard to remember details or be present in the moment.
  4. You may rely heavily on technology and find it hard to disconnect or be alone with your thoughts, or have difficulty with mindfulness practices like meditation.

Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye Meaning

What Does a Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye Mean?

A multicolor rainbow Evil Eye helps bring together all the benefits of all the different Evil Eye colors.

This includes physical energy, passion, security, fun, enjoyment, creativity, happiness, clarity of thought, good health, connection with nature, personal growth, wealth, peace and calm, the pursuit of knowledge, openness of communication, and connection with the spiritual.

As rainbows most likely appear after a thunderstorm, a Multicolor Evil Eye is also an eternal symbol of hope and promise for a better future. It also symbolizes new beginnings, equality, peace, and eternal life.

Learn more about Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye Meaning.

You Should Wear a Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye if:

  1. You would like to have the benefits of multiple Evil Eye colors without having to commit to a single color.
  2. You believe in the symbolism of rainbows and the promise of hope and new beginnings they represent.
  3. You want to express your love for color and the diversity it represents.
