Evil Eye Rings

Stay protected from the malefic Evil Eye with our collection of the most beautiful and lucky Evil Eye rings.

Made with 925 Sterling Silver and AAA cubic zirconia, available in Silver, Gold, and Rose Gold colors.

Also known as Eyeball Ring, Ring of the Evil Eye, Mal De Ojo Ring, Greek Evil Eye Ring, Turkish Evil Eye Ring, Evil Eye Protection Ring, and Nazar Ring.

Hamsa Hand and Evil Eye Rings

A beautiful white and blue stone-studded Hamsa Hand and Evil Eye ring.

While the Evil Eye is an ancient symbol of protection, the Hamsa Hand is an ancient symbol of good luck, good health, and good fortune.

Blue and White Stone Evil Eye Rings

A beautiful blue and white stone-studded Evil Eye ring made with 925 Sterling Silver.

While the blue stones help keep the wearer protected from the Evil Eye, the white stones are for the purity of thoughts and actions.

Blue Enamel and White Stone Greek Evil Eye Ring

A sparkling blue-enamel and white stone-studded Evil Eye ring.

Featuring a Greek Blue Evil Eye with White Stone Studded Design.

Black Evil Eye Ring

A stunning black and white stone-studded eye-shaped Evil Eye ring.

A Black Evil Eye gives us power and protection. It helps the Universe conspire towards anything we set your mind towards.

Sparkling Eye-Shaped Evil Eye Rings

Beautiful white and blue stone-studded eye-with-eyelashes-shaped Evil Eye Eyeball rings.

Made with 925 Sterling Silver and available in Silver, Gold, and Rose Gold colors.

Blue and White Stone Eye-Shaped Evil Eye Ring

A sparkling white stone-studded eye-shaped Evil Eye ring for women!

While the blue stone Evil Eye is for protection. The white stones help bring purity in our thoughts and actions.

Evil Eye Ring with Hearts

Stay protected from the Evil Eye and attract love to your life with this most gorgeous Evil Eye ring.

An Evil Eye and Heart Symbol together symbolize protection from the Evil Eye, as well as the attraction of love into our lives. It can also be gifted to our loved ones as a gift of love and protection from the Evil Eye.

Hamsa Hand with Turkish Evil Eye Ring

Beautiful blue, white, and yellow stone-studded Turkish Evil Eye ring for women!

Featuring an infinite Hamsa Hand design, an eternal symbol of good luck, good fortune, good health, happiness, and protection from the Evil Eye.

Turquoise Evil Eye Nazar Ring

Add tranquility to your life with this beautiful Turquoise Evil Eye Nazar ring.

The Turquoise Evil Eye helps bring peace to the wearer, thereby lowering stress and increasing happiness in life.

Engraved Silver Ring of The Evil Eye

A timeless Ring of the Evil Eye made with 925 Sterling Silver.

The Evil Eye symbol is an ancient symbol of protection and good luck that spans modern-day countries, cultures, and religions. The belief in the Evil Eye also finds mention in the Quran, the Bible, in ancient Hindu, Buddhist, and Judist texts.

Eye Shaped Evil Eye Protection Ring

Stay protected from the Evil Eye and add optimism to your life with this beautiful Evil Eye protection ring.

Featuring a fate and karma-enhancing dark blue stone-studded infinite Evil Eyes design.

Multicolor Eye Shaped Evil Eyes Mal De Ojo Ring

Attract good luck with this enchanting Evil Eye Mal De Ojo ring with pastel Evil Eye colors.

Made with 925 Sterling Silver and AAA cubic zirconia. Get it for yourself, or give it as a gift of protection to your family and friends.

Egyptian Eye of Horus Evil Eye Ring

Stay protected from the Evil Eye with this most powerful Eye Of Horus Evil Eye ring.

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, restoration, and good health. It is presumably the origin of the modern-day Evil Eye Symbol and Evil Eye Protection.

Infinite Blue Greek Evil Eye Ring

A quirky Greek Evil Eye ring with infinite blue Evil Eyes.

In addition to helping us stay protected from the jealous, malicious, or envious gaze of others. The Blue Evil Eye is said to also be best suited for the protection of our fate in this life, as well as the protection of our karma in the lives to come.

Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye Ring

Let all the Evil Eye colors work for you with this beautiful Multicolor Rainbow Evil Eye ring.

Available with five different Evil Eye colors including Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Red, and Yellow. Also known as a Mal De Ojo Ring.

Eye-Shaped Evil Eye Nazar Ring

An eye-catching Evil Eye Nazar ring for women.

Featuring a single blue and white stones eye-shaped Evil Eye design.

Gold Plated Rings of the Evil Eye with Lashes

Stay protected from the Evil Eye with these chunky gold-plated Evil Eye rings.

Made with 925 Sterling Silver and available in White, Black, and Red Evil Eye colors.

White and Blue Stone Evil Eye Signet Ring

Make a statement with this Evil Eye Signet ring.

Made with 925 Sterling Silver and featuring a 'I will always guard you' engraved text inside.

Blue and White Evil Eye Ring

A chunky Evil Eye Eyeball ring with a single large eye-shaped Evil Eye design.

Get it for yourself, or give it as a gift of protection to your family and friends.

Eye with Lashes Evil Eye Protection Ring

A delicate eye-shaped Evil Eye Protection Ring made with 925 Sterling Silver.

Featuring a transparent Evil Eye inside, symbolising clarity, mindfulness, and rational thinking.

Learn More About Evil Eye Rings 🧿

An Evil Eye ring is meant to protect you from the Evil Eye.

The Evil Eye is a belief starting in antiquity that willingly or unwillingly others can cast an ‘evil eye’ of jealousy, envy, or malice on a person or a personal object, which brings them harm or misfortune.

Learn more about the Evil Eye meaning.

Evil Eye rings are made to fight fire with fire.

They can deflect deadly Evil Eye rays, or absorb them inside, thereby keeping the wearer of the Evil Eye bracelet safe and protected.

Since the dawn of civilization, ancient Indian and Greek philosophers have believed that eyes can carry deadly rays, often deep from the heart of an envious person.

These deadly rays, although invisible to the naked eye, can go on to cause harm or misfortune to their recipient.

Learn more about the Evil Eye symbol.

An Evil Eye ring protects you from harm or misfortune, by deflecting the ‘evil eye’ or a malicious gaze of jealousy, envy, or malice cast by others.

Evil Eye bracelets also protects us from harm or misfortune caused by over adoration, over love, and overpraise, that we may accidentally cause to our near and dear ones, or even ourselves.

Learn more about Evil Eye protection.

Evil Eye rings are often made with a hand symbol.

This Hand symbol is known as the Hamsa Hand, an ancient symbol of good luck, good fortune, good health, happiness, and protection from the Evil Eye.

The Hamsa is a symbol shared by the modern-day religions of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is also known as the Hamsa, Khamsa, Hand of Fatima, Hand of Miriam, Hand of the Goddess, and Hamesh.

Learn more about the Hamsa.

While it is believed that the color blue is historically associated with an Evil Eye ring due to the glass-making techniques in ancient Egypt.

Over time, however, different Evil Eye ring colors have come to symbolize different meanings and purposes for the traditional evil eye talisman.

These include Blue for fate and karma protection, Green for personal success, Yellow for physical and mental health, Orange for happiness, Red for courage, Brown for protection from the elements, and Pink for friendship and relationships.

Purple to energize from depression, Black for power and prosperity protection, White for purity in thoughts and actions, Grey for protection against sorrows, Transparent for clarity and mindfulness, and Rainbow for hope and all Evil Eye benefits.

Learn more about Evil Eye colors meaning.

Evil Eye rings can be worn by all. They can be worn by men, women, and children. They can be worn by people of all religions.

The Evil Eye symbol is an ancient symbol of protection and good luck that spans modern-day countries, cultures, and religions.

The belief in the Evil Eye also finds mention in the Quran, the Bible, in ancient Hindu, Buddhist, and Judist texts.

Learn more about the Evil Eye origin.

If your Evil Eye ring breaks then that is good news.

It symbolizes that the Evil Eye ring was able to protect you from the Evil Eye of others.

If your Evil Eye ring breaks, you should purchase another and stay protected from the Evil Eye.

Learn more about Evil Eye Symptoms and How to Get Rid of the Evil Eye.

A ring made to deflect “Mal De Ojo” or “Evil of the Eye” is known as a Mal De Ojo ring.

In Spanish and Mexican, “Mal” means evil, “Ojo” means eye, and “de” means of. So “Mal De Ojo” translates to “evil of the eye”, also known as ‘evil eye’ in many cultures.

Mal De Ojo is believed to transmit from the eyes, carried through the air, and received through the eyes of the recipient.

Learn more about Mal De Ojo or the Spanish Evil Eye.

A ring made to deflect "kako mati" or "evil eye" is known as a Greek Evil Eye ring.

The Evil Eye is known as "mati" or “kako mati” in Greece, and “matiasma” is known as casting the evil eye.

The concept of the evil eye has been with the Greek people since 700 BC and has been a common theme across Greek literature through the ages.

Learn more about Kako Mati or the Greek Evil Eye.

A ring made to deflect 'nazar' or 'kem göz' is known as a Turkish Evil Eye ring.

The evil eye is known as “kem göz“ in Turkey, and the Turkish people have long used “nazar boncugu”, or the blue evil eye bead to ward off its malefic effects.

Learn more about Kem Goz or the Turkish Evil Eye.

A ring meant to deflect “buri nazar” or “bad eye” is known as a Nazar ring.

In Hindi and Urdu, the words ‘buri nazar’ mean ‘bad eye’, and ‘nazar lagna’ or ‘nazar lag gayi’ means to have received the evil eye.

It is also common to say ‘nazar na lage’ or ‘may the evil eye not touch you’. As well as ‘buri nazar wale tera muh kala, or ‘O evil eyed one, may your face turn black’.

Learn more about Nazar or the Indian Evil Eye.
